Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Malachi 3.10
Make a once-off tithe/donation, or set up recurring payments using Bpay through Direct Deposits. Bank details can be found below;
Bay city Church
BSB. 062 235 | ACC.# 1027 7235
Bay city Church
bay city care
BSB. 062 235 | ACC.# 1057 8652
You can make a 'tax deductible' payment through Bay City Care Inc or 'non tax deductible' through Bay City Church.
We can now offer 'Text Giving'! Simply text the word 'give' to the relevant number below (either Care for tax deductible or Church for non tax deductible)
Bay city Church
Bay city care
Heading 4
Giving online is now simpler through tithe.ly. Click the relevant button below (either Care for tax deductible or Church for non tax deductible) and you will be redirected to tithe.ly where you can make a once-off tithe/donation, or you also have the option to set up recurring payments.
Bay city Church
Bay city Church
bay city care
Prayerfully consider the part you are able to play. It’s important that your giving is a discussion between you and the Lord.
There is such power in setting goal and then being able to see it fulfilled. Make a personal commitment on what you will give to Our Heart for the House.
Plan for generosity. Every significant sacrifice requires a plan. Never underestimate budgeting for generosity.