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Senior Pastors

Andrew and Mary Ann Harper are the senior pastors at Bay City Church in Rockdale Sydney. They are devoted to the cause of Christ and passionate about seeing people realise their potential.


Ps Andrew has been in ministry for over 20 years. He served on the senior vision team at Hillsong Church and both himself and Mary Ann served as Associate Pastors at Inspire Church Liverpool. 

In 2004 God placed a desire on Andrew’s heart for the St George local area, and with their young family they planted Bay City Church.


Ps Andrew is committed to seeing the local church work within and through their local communities. Bay City Church has become an integral part of the St George Community. Through various programs and services we have established relationships and partnerships with local council, community services and agencies, local High Schools, and our local police. This has also provided opportunity for service collaboration to implement our Domestic Violence programs.

Ps Andrew and Mary Ann together are excited about the next stage in their ministry, believing always that the best is yet to come. They look forward to seeing God move over the next season as Bay City focusses on building authentic faith communities within the church, and mending brokenness in communities outside of the church.


Discover who God is by attending 

Sunday 10am Family Service with a full kids program for 0 to 12 years

Youth Service 7pm Friday nights. For year 5 to year 12 school ages   

Our Mission

Our Mission

JESUS is our passion and HIS WORD is our pattern for life. 

We see DISCIPLESHIP as our commission and SOCIAL JUSTICE our responsibility.


(Jesus is Our Passion)

- Discover who God is by attending Sunday 10am Sunday Service

- Gain a foundational understanding of who God is by completing our New Christians Course


(His Word is Our Pattern for Life)

- Find Freedom in Christ through our Lifestyle of Freedom course


(Discipleship as Our Commission)

- Partner with others to do life together inspired by Christ’s word by joining a Life Group

- Prepare to be released to lead by completing The Leadership Program and joining our leadership groups


(Social Justice is Our Responsibility)

- Identify your God-given purpose and unique talents, strengths and abilities by completing our Discovery Course

- Get involved in bringing the love and practical support of Christ in and through the church by joining one of our teams

Our Statement of Faith:

ACC Safer Churches:

Bay City Church are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all attendees and guest. We have adopted the ACC Safer Churches Policy, which can be found here;

Bay City Church

We would love to hear from you! Contact us today to find more about Bay City Church


Phone: 02 9597 1477

Quick Links

LOCATIONS: Bay City Church 7 Hattersley St Arncliffe | Bay City Community Support Centre 3/39-45 George St, Rockdale | Community FoodCare 23 Barden St Arncliffe

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